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All publications sorted by year

  1. J. B. Kirkegaard, N. P. Kutuzov, R. Netterstrøm; S. Darkner, M. Lauritzen, F. Lauze. In Vivo Deep Learning Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients of Nanoparticles. To Appear in Proceedings of MICCAI 2024.

  2. K. Madsen, Z. Li, F. Lauze. Person Fall Detection Using Weakly Supervised Methods Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Workshops, 2024, pp. 143-151.

  3. B. Brument, R. Bruneau, Y. Quéau, J. Mélou, F. Lauze, J.D. Durou, L. Calvet. RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction To Appear in Proceedings of CVPR 2024.

  4. R. Bruneau, B. Brument, L. Calvet, M. Cassidy, J. Mélou, Y. Quéau, J. D. Durou, F. Lauze. Multi-view stereo of an object immersed in a refractive medium. Accepted, SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging.

  5. J. Sporring, P. Xu, J. Lu, F. Lauze, S. Darkner, Locally orderless networks. ArXiv. /abs/2406.13514, 2024.

  1. Y. Quéau, J. Mélou, R. Bruneau, J.D. Durou, F. Lauze. On Photometric Stereo in the Presence of a Refractive Interface. In proceedings of Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy, LNCS 14009, p. 691-703, 2023.

  2. X. Hua, F. Lauze, K. S. Pedersen, Refractive Pose Refinement Generalising the geometric relation between camera and refractive interface. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 2023.

  3. B. Brument, L. Calvet, R. Bruneau, J. Mélou, S. Gasparini, Y. Quéau, F. Lauze, J. D. Durou. A Shape-from-Silhouette method for the 3D-reconstruction of a convex Polyhedron. To appear in Proceedings of International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV) 2023, Albi, France.

  1. R. Liu, F. Lauze, K. Erleben, R. W. Berg, S.Darkner, Bundle Geodesic Convolutional Neural Network for DWI Segmentation. J. Med. Imag.9(6) 064002.

  2. R. Liu, F. Lauze, E. J. Bekkers, K. Erleben, S. Darkner Group Convolutional Neural Networks for DWI Segmentation. In Proceedings of GeoMedIA Workshop 2022, Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, Amsterdam, 2022.

  3. H. G. Jensen, F. Lauze, S. Darkner, Information-Theoretic Registration with Explicit Reorientation of Diffusion-Weighted Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 64, p1-16, 2022.

  1. X. Hua, F. Lauze, J. Mélou, K. S. Pedersen, Absolute and Relative Pose Estimation in Refractive Multi View. In the Proceedings of the 1st ICCV Workshop on Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning (TradiCV), 2021.

  2. R. Liu, F. Lauze, K. Erleben, S.Darkner, Bundle Geodesic Convolutional Neural Networkfor DWI Segmentation from Single Scan Learning. In the Proceedings of MICCAI 2021 International Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI.

  3. A. Renaudeau, T. Tseng, A. Carlier, F. Pierre, F. Lauze, J. F. Aujol, J. D. Durou, Détection des défauts dans les vieux films par apprentissage profond à partir d'une restauration semi-manuelle. Proceedings of Orasis 2021

  4. G. Wang, F. Lauze, A. Feragen, Graph2Graph Learning with Conditional Autoregressive Models. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2106.03236.

  5. S. Darkner, J. D. T. Vidarte, F. Lauze, First Order Locally Orderless Registration. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision SSVM, 2021, 177-188, LNCS

  1. M. Cassidy, J. Mélou, Y.Quéau, F. Lauze, J. D Durou, Refractive Multi-view Stereo. Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2020, 384-393

  2. A. Renaudeau, T. Tseng, A. Carlier, F. Pierre, F. Lauze, J. F. Aujol, J. D. Durou, Learning Defects in Old Movies from Manually Assisted Restoration. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2020(21), 5254-5261.

  1. J. Ren, A. Moaddel H., E. M. Hauge, K. K. Keller, R. K. Jensen, F. Lauze, Automatic detection and localization of bone erosion in hand HR-pQCT. SPIE Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 2019: 1095022

  2. A. Renaudeau, F. Lauze, F. Pierre, J. F. Aujol, J. D. Durou, Alternate Structural-Textural Video Inpainting for Spot Defect Correction in Movies. in Proceedings of SSVM 2019, LNCS 11603 104-116, Hofgeismar, Germany.

  3. J. D. K. Hansen, F. Lauze, Segmentation of 2D and 3D objects with intrinsically similarity invariant shape regularisers. in Proceedings of SSVM 2019, LNCS 11603 369-380, Hofgeismar, Germany.

  4. J. D. K. Hansen, F. Lauze, S. Darkner, J. Huntenburg, K. Mortensen, S. Sanggaard, H. Lee, H. Benveniste, M. Nedergaard, Automatic brain segmentation framework for bias field rich cranial MRI scans of rats and mice via similarity invariant shape priors. Abstract / ePoster Proceedings of ISMRM 2019, Montréal, Canada

  5. A. Renaudeau, F. Lauze, F. Pierre, J. F. Aujol, J. D. Durou, Inpainting vidéo pour la restauration de films par reconstructions altern´es de la structure et de la texture Proceedings of ORASIS 2019.

  1. Y. Quéau B. Durix, T. Wu. D. Cremers, F. Lauze and J.D. Durou. LED-based Photometric Stereo: Modeling, Calibration and Numerical Solutions. Journal Of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60(3): 313-340 (2018)

  2. J.D.K. Hansen, F. Lauze. Multiphase Local Mean Geodesic Active Regions. In Proceedings of ICPR 3031-30362018, 2018, Beijing, China.

  3. J. D. K. Hansen, F. Lauze, S. Darkner, K. Mortensen, S. Sangaard, H, Benveniste, M. Nedergaard Brain extraction and segmentation framework for bias field rich cranial MRI scans of rats Abstract / ePoster Proceedings of ISMRM 2018, Paris, France

  4. F. Lauze, M. Nielsen On Variational Methods for Motion Compensated Inpainting. CoRR abs/1809.07983 (2018)

  5. F. Lauze, Y. Dong, A. B. Dahl Guest Editorial: Scale Space and Variational Methods Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60(9): 1367-1368 (2018)


  1. M. Loog and F. Lauze. Supervised Scale-Regularized Linear Convolutionary Filters. To Appear in Proceedings of BMVC 2017, London, United Kingdom, 2017.

  2. F. Lauze, Y. Dong and A. B. Dahl (editors). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM 2017), Kolding, Denmark. LNCS 10302, Springer, 2017.

  3. F. Lauze, Y. Quéau, and E. Plenge. Simultaneous Reconstruction and Segmentation of CT Scans with Shadowed Data . In Proceedings of SSVM 2017, Kolding Denmark, LNCS 10302, 2017.

  4. J. D. K. Hansen and F. Lauze. Local Mean Multiphase Segmentation with HMMF Models. . In Proceedings of SSVM 2017, Kolding Denmark, LNCS 10302, 2017.

  5. Y. Quéau, T. Wu, F. Lauze, J.-D. Durou, and D. Cremers. A Non-Convex Variational Approach to Photometric Stereo under Inaccurate Lighting . To appear in Proceedings of CVPR 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2017.

  6. M. Liptrot, S. Darkner, A. Feragen and F. Lauze. Streamlet Tractography . Abstract, Proceedings of ISMRM 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2017.

  7. H. G. Jensen, F. Lauze, M. Nielsen and S. Darkner Density-Based Non-Rigid Registration of Diffusion-Weighted Images . Abstract, Proceedings of ISMRM 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2017.

  8. Y. Quéau, B. Durix, T. Lucas, J. Boumaza, J. D. Durou and F. Lauze. Fusion de données RVB-D par stéréophotométrie colorée . To appear in "Traitement du Signal", 2017.

  1. Y. Quéau, B. Durix, T. Lucas, J. Boumaza, J.-D. Durou et F. Lauze. (in French) Fusion de données RVB-D par stéréophotométrie colorée (English: Fusion of RGB-D data via colored photometric stereo). Proceedings of RFIA 2016, Clermont Ferrand, France, 2016.

  2. M. G. Liptrot, F. Lauze. Assessment of Rotationally-Invariant Clustering Using Streamlet Tractography. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging (Image Processing), San Diego, 2016.

  3. M. G. Liptrot, F. Lauze. Rotationally invariant clustering of diffusion MRI data using spherical harmonics. Abstract. to appear in Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Singapore, 2016.
  1. H. G. Jensen, M. Nielsen, F. Lauze and S. Darkner. Locally Orderless Registration for Diffusion Weighted Images . Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI), 2015.

  2. C. N. Ladefoged, F. L. Andersen, S. H. Keller, T. Beyer, I. Law, L. Højgaard, S. Darkner, F. Lauze. Automatic Correction of Dental Artifacts in PET/MRI Journal of Medical Imaging (SPIE | JMI), 2015.

  3. A. Feragen, F. Lauze, S. Hauberg Geodesic Exponential Kernels: When Curvature and Linearity Conflict Proceedings of IEEE CVPR 2015, 3032-3042

  4. Y. Quéau, F. Lauze and J. D. Durou. A L1-TV algorithm for robust perspective photometric stereo with spatially-varying lightings. to appear in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, SSVM, 2015.

  5. C. N. Ladefoged, A. E. Hansen, S. H. Keller, B. M. Fischer, J. H. Rasmussen, I. Law, T. Beyer, A. Kjær, L. Højgaard, F. Lauze, F. L. Andersen. Improving quality and accuracy of PET/MR imaging of the brain, head and neck through inpainting of dental artifacts. to appear in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - Physics (EJNMMI-Physics) , 2015.

  6. Y. Quéau, F. Lauze and J. D. Durou. Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo using Total Variation. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 52(1):87-107, 2015.

  1. M. Liptrot, F. Lauze A Model-Free Unsupervised Method to Cluster Brain Tissue Directly From DWI Volumes. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISMRM , 2014.

  2. Y. A. Feragen, M. Nielsen, E. B. Vedel Jensen, A. du Plessis, F. Lauze Geometry and statistics : manifolds and stratified spaces. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 50(1-2):1-4, 2014.

  3. C. N. Ladefoged, F. Andersen, S. H. Keller, T. Beyer, L. Højgaard and F. Lauze. Correction of Dental Artifacts in PET/MRI Using Active Shape Models. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, Volume 9034, 2014.

  4. S.-H. Sommer, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Optimization over Geodesics for Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis.. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 40(2):283-313 , 2014. [WWW]
  1. C. N. Ladefoged, T. Bayer, S. H. Keller, I. Law, F. Lauze, L. Højgaard, A. Kjær and F. Andersen. PET/MR imaging of head/neck in the presence of dental implants: reducing image artifacts and increasing accuracy through inpainting. Abstract. Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), 2013

  2. C. N. Ladefoged, F. Andersen, T. Beyer, A. E. Hansen, S. H. Keller, I. Law, L. Højgaard, A. Kjær and F. Lauze. PET/MR Imaging of the Head/Neck: Automatic Correction of Dental Implant Artifacts Exceeding Anatomical Surfaces. Summary, Presented at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) 2013.

  3. Y. Quéau, F. Lauze and J. D. Durou. Solving the Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Problem Using Total Variation. To appear in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), 2013

  4. S. Hauberg, F. Lauze, and K.-S. Pedersen. Unscented Kalman Filters on Riemannian Manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 46(1):103-120, 2013.

  5. A. Prasoon, K. P. Petersen, C. Igel, F. Lauze, E. B. Dam, and M. Nielsen. Deep Feature Learning for Knee Cartilage Segmentation Using a Triplanar Convolutional Neural Network. To appear in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2013.

  6. A. Prasoon, C. Igel, F. Lauze, M. Loog, E. Dam, M. Nielsen. Femoral Cartilage Segmentation in Knee MRI Scans Using Two Stage Voxel Classification. To appear in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2013.

  7. A. Feragen, P. Lo, M. de Bruijne, and F. B. Lauze. Towards a Theory of Statistical Tree Shape Analysis.. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(8):2008-2012, 2013.

  8. S. Sommer, F. Lauze, M. Nielsen and X. Pennec. Sparse Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration: the Kernel Bundle Framework. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 46(3):292-308, 2013.

  9. S.-S. Brandt, K. Hommelhoff Jensen and F. Lauze. On the Bayesian Reconstruction Method For Randomly Oriented Particles in Cryo-EM. Proceedings of IEEE Internationa Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2013.

  1. S.-S. Brandt, K. Hommelhoff Jensen and F. Lauze. Bayesian Epipolar Geometry Estimation from Tomographic Projections Proceedings of the 11th ACCV , Daejeon, South Korea, 2012.

  2. C. Chen, L.-E.-B. Sorensen, F. Lauze, C. Igel, M. Loog, A. Feragen, M. de Bruijne, and M. Nielsen. Towards Exaggerated Emphysema Stereotypes. In SPIE Medical Imaging (Computer Aided Diagnosis). Proceedings of SPIE Med. Imag. Volue 8315, San Diego, USA, 2012. SPIE.

  3. A. Prasoon, C. Igel, M. Loog, F. Lauze, E.-B. Dam, and M. Nielsen. Cascaded Classifier for Large Scale Data Applied to Automatic Segmentation of Articular Cartilage. In SPIE Medical Imaging (Image Processing). Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, Volume 8314, San Diego, USA, 2012. SPIE.

  4. C. Chen, F. Lauze, C. Igel, A. Feragen, M.loog and M. Nielsen. Towards Exaggerated Image Stereotypes. In Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) 2012. 422-426, Beijing, China, 2012.

  1. S. H. Keller, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Video super-resolution using simultaneous motion and intensity calculations. IEEE Transaction in Image Processing, 20(7):1870-1884, 2011.

  2. M. Nielsen, M. Ganz, F. Lauze, P. Pettersen, M. de Bruijne, T.-B. Clarkson, E.-B. Dam, C. Christiansen, and Karsdal M.. Distribution, size, shape, growth potential and extent of abdominal aortic calcified deposits predict mortality in postmenopausal women.. BMC Cardiovasular Disorders, 1(1):-, 2011.

  3. A. Ramirez-Manzanares, M. Rivera, P. Kornprobst, and F. Lauze. Variational multi-valued velocity field estimation for transparent sequences. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 40(3):285-304, 2011.

  4. C. Chen, F. Lauze, C. Igel, A. Feragen, M. Loog, and M. Nielsen. Towards Exaggerated Image Stereotypes. In Proceedings of ACPR 2011, 2011.

  5. A. Feragen, M. Nielsen, and F. Lauze. Means in spaces of treelike shapes. In Proceedings of ICCV 2011, 2011.

  6. A. Feragen, P. Lo, V. Gorbunova, M. Nielsen, A. Dirksen, J. Rheinhardt, F. Lauze, and M. de Bruijne. An airway tree-shape model for geodesic airway branch labeling. In Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy (in Conj. with MICCAI 2011), 2011.

  7. X Huang, L.-L. Rakêt, H.-V. Luong, M. Nielsen, F. Lauze, and S. Forchhammer. Multi-hypothesis Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding including Optical Flow. In Proceedings of MMSP 2011, 2011.

  8. L.-L. Rakêt, L. Roholm, M. Nielsen, and F. Lauze. TV-L1 Optical Flow for Vector Valued Image. In Y Boykov, F Kahl, and V. Lempitsky, editors, Proceedings of EMMCVPR 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 2011. Springer.

  9. S.-H. Sommer, F.-L. Lauze, M. Nielsen, and X. Pennec. Kernel Bundle EPDiff: Evolution Equations for Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Image Registration. In Proceedings of SSVM 2011, 2011.

  10. S.-H Sommer, M. Nielsen, F. Lauze, and X. Pennec. A Multi-Scale Kernel Bundle for LDDMM: Towards Sparse Deformation Description Across Space and Scales. In Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2011.

  11. A. Tatu, F. Lauze, M. Nielsen, and B. Kimia. Exploring the Capability Representation of the HOG Descriptor. In Proceedings of IEEE. Workshop on Information Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, in conj. With ICCV (to appear), 2011.

  12. A. Feragen, M. Nielsen, S. Hauberg, P. Lo, M. de Bruijne, and F. Lauze. A geometric framework for statistics on trees. Technical report, Image Group, University of Copenhagen, 2011.

  13. F. Lauze and M. Nielsen. On Variational Methods For Motion Compensated Inpainting. DIKU Research Report 06/2011 ISSN 0107-8283, Image Group, University of Copenhagen, Original version from January 2009. I uploaded to arXiv an updated version (some typos correction).

  14. C. Chen, K. Chernoff, P. Lo, G. Karemore, M. Nielsen, and F. Lauze. Novel Classification Using Adaptive Metric k-NN. Abstract, 1st IEEE Workshop on Kernels and Distances For Computer Vision, in conj. with ICCV 2011, November 2011. Note: Abstract, 1st IEEE Workshop on Kernels and Distances For Computer Vision, in conj. with ICCV 2011.

  1. S.-H. Keller, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Temporal Superresolution unsing Variational Methods, in High Quality Visual Experience: Creation, Processing and Interactivity of High-Resolution and High-Dimensional Video Signals, M. Mark, M. Grgic and M. Kunt Eds. chapter 11, pages 275-296. Springer, Signals and Communication Technology Series. 2010.

  2. S.-H. Keller, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Deinterlacing Using Variational Methods. IEEE Transaction in Image Processing, 17(11):2015-2028, 2010.

  3. M. Loog and F. Lauze, The Improbability of Harris Interest Points. IEEE Transaction in Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(6):1141-1147, 2010.

  4. A. Tatu, F. Lauze, S.-H. Sommer, and M. Nielsen. On Restricting Planar Curve Evolution to Finite Dimensional Implicit Subspaces with Non-Euclidean Metric. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 38(3):226-240, 2010.

  5. C. Chen, K. Chernoff, G.-R. Karemore, P. Lo, M. Nielsen, and F. Lauze. Classification in Medical Image Analysis Using Adaptive Metric KNN. In SPIE Medical Imaging (Computer Aided Diagnosis) 2010, 2010.

  6. A. Feragen, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Fundamental deformations in spaces of treelike shapes.. In Proceedings of ICPR 2010., 2010.

  7. A. Feragen, F. Lauze, P. Lo, M. de Bruijne and M. Nielsen Geometries on Spaces of Tree-Like Shapes. in Proceedings of ACCV 2010.

  8. P. Julian, C. Dehais, Lauzem F.-B., V. Charvillat, A. Bartoli, and A. Choukroun. Automatic Hair Segmentation in the Wild. In Proceedings of ICPR 2010, 2010.

  9. S.-H. Sommer, F. Lauze, S. Hauberg, and M. Nielsen. Manifold Valued Statistics, Exact Principal Geodesic Analysis and the Effect of Linear Approximations. In K. Daniilidis, P. Maragos, and N. Paragios, editors, Proceedings of ECCV 2010, number IV of LNCS, Heraklion, Greece, pages 43-56, September 2010.

  1. D.-K.-J. Gustafsson, K.-S. Pedersen, F-B. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. On the Rate of Structural Change in Scale Spaces. In Proceedings of Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2009, LNCS, pages 832-843, 2009. Springer.

  2. P. Julian, V. Charvillat, C. Dehais, and F. Lauze. De l'intrerêt de la texture pour la segmentation du visage. In Proceedings of ORASIS 2009, 2009.

  3. S.-H. Sommer, A. Tatu, C. Chen, D.-R. Jorgensen, M. de Bruijne, M. Loog, M. Nielsen, and F. Lauze. Bicycle Chain Shape Models. In Proceedings of CVPR 2009 Workshop MMBIA, 2009.

  1. F. Lauze and M. Nielsen. From Inpainting to Active Contours. International Journal of Computer Vision, 79(1):31-43, 2008.

  2. C. Christiansen, M. Karsdal, F. Lauze, E.-B. Dam, M. Ganz, M. de Bruijne, L.-E.-B. Sorensen, N. Barascuk, and M. Nielsen. Automated Quantification of the Morphological Atherosclerotic Calcification Distribution on X-Rays Is a Strong Predictor of Mortality in Postmenopausal Women. In Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, volume 6, 2008.

  3. A. Qasi, E.-B. Dam, M. Loog, M. Nielsen, F. Lauze, and C. Christiansen. A Variational Method for Automatic Localization of the most Pathological ROI. In Rheinhardt J.-M. and J. Pluim, editors, SPIE Medical Imaging (Image Processing) 2008, volume 6914, San Diego, UAS, February 2008. SPIE.

  1. L. Conrad-Hansen, M. de Bruijne, F. Lauze, L. Tankó, P. Pettersen,Q. He, J. Chen, and C. Christiansen. Quantifying Calcifications in the Lumbar Aorta on X-Rays. In Proceedings of MICCAI 2007, number 2 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 352-359, 2007. The MICCAI Society, Springer.

  2. D.-W. Hansen, R. Larsen, and F. Lauze. Improving Face Detection with TOF Cameras. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, pages 225-228, 2007. IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE.

  3. J.-E. Iglesias, M. de Bruijne, M. Loog, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. A Family of Principal Component Analyses for Dealing with Outliers. In Proceedings of MICCAI 2007, number 2 of LNCS, Brisbane, Australia, pages 227-238, 2007. The MICCAI Society, Springer.

  4. S.-H. Keller, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Motion Compensated Video Superresolution. In Proceedings of Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2007, LNCS, pages 801-812, 2007. Springer.

  5. M. Loog and F. Lauze. Blur Invariant Image Priors. In Proceedings of Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2007, LNCS, pages 665-674, 2007. Springer.

  6. A. Ramirez-Manzanares, M. Rivera, P. Kornprobst, and F. Lauze. A Variational Approach for Multi-Valued Velocity Field Estimation in Transparent Sequences. In Proceedings of Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2007, LNCS, pages 227-238, 2007. Springer.

  7. A. Tatu, F. Lauze, M. Nielsen, and O.-F. Olsen. Curve Evolution In Subspaces. In Proceedings of Scale-Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2007, number LNCS, pages 754-764, 2007. Springer.

  1. T. Brox, R. van den Boomgaard, F. Lauze, J. van de Wejer, J. Weickert, P. Mrazék, and P. Kornprobst. Adaptive Structure Tensors and their applications, in Visualisation and Processing of Tensor Fields, J. Weickert and H. Hagen Eds. chapter 2, pages 17-47. Springer Series on Mathematics and Visualisation, 2006.

  2. L. Conrad-Hansen, M. de Bruijne, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. A Pixelwise Inpainting-Based Refinement Scheme for Quantizing Calcification in the Lumbar Aorta on 2D Lateral X-Ray Images. In SPIE Medical Imaging 2006 (Image Processing), 2006.

  3. A. Ramirez-Manzanares, M. Rivera, P. Kornprobst, and F. Lauze. Multi-Valued Motion Fields Estimation for Transparent Sequences with a Variational Approach. Technical report RR-5920, INRIA -- CIMAT, 2006.

  4. F. Lauze and M. Nielsen. Inpainting Driven Segmentation, 2006 (Patent application).

  1. L.- Conrad-Hansen, M. de Bruijne, F. Lauze, and M. Nielsen. Quantifying Calcification of the Lumbar Aorta on 2D Lateral X-Ray Images. In Proceedings of CVBIA 2005, pages 409-418, 2005.

  2. S. Keller, K.S. Pedersen, F. Lauze. Detecting Interlaced or Progressive Source of Video. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on IEEE Multimedia and Signal Processing, Shanghai, China, 2005

  3. F. Lauze and M. Nielsen. From Inpainting to Active Contours.. In Proceedings of the Variational Geometric and Level-Set Methods in Computer Vision Workshop (VLSM), in conj. with ICCV 2005, LNCS, Bejing, China, pages 97-108, October 2005. Springer.

  1. F. Lauze. Computational Algorithms for Motion Recovery, Motion Compensated Inpainting and Applications. PhD thesis, The IT University of Copenhagen, 2004.

  2. F. Lauze, P. Kornprobst, C. Lenglet, R. Deriche, and M. Nielsen. Sur Quelques Méthodes de Calcul de Flot Optique à partir du Tenseur de Structure : Synthèse et Contribution. In ACTES RFIA, pages 283-292, 2004.

  3. F. B. Lauze, P. Kornprobst, and E. Mémin. A Coarse-To-Fine Multiscale Approach for Linear Least Squares Optical Flow Estimation. In Proceedings of BMVC 2004, number 2, pages 767-776, 2004. BMVA.

  4. F. Lauze and M. Nielsen. A Variational Algorithm for Motion Compensated Inpainting. In Proceedings of BMVC 2004, volume 2, pages 777-787, 2004.

  5. L.-H. Conrad-Hansen, F. Lauze, M. de Bruijne, and M. Nielsen. A Method of Deriving a Quantitative Measure of a Degree of Calcification of an Aorta, 2004 (Patent application).

  6. F. Lauze, S.-H. Keller, and M. Nielsen. A Method of Adding a Frame in a Video Sequence, 2004 (Patent application).

  1. F. Lauze. Rang Maximal pour $TP^n$ ( A maximal rank property for the tangent bundle of $TP^n$). Manuscripta Mathematica, 92:525-543, 1997.

  1. F. B. Lauze. Sur la Résolution Minimale Libre des Idéaux d'Arrangement de Points Génériques dans les Espaces Projectifs. PhD thesis, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, 1994.

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Last modified: May 2023.
Author: François Lauze.

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